crayon portfolio

January 13, 2011

I found another super cute crayon holder. I love, love how Amy combined the Remix fabric. Inside there’s not only a place for the crayons, but also a space for paper. So cute, don’t you think? Visit Amy’s shop here.

(photos by Amy Dunn)

posted by kelle at 10:01 am
(13) Comments


  1. Angela says:

    so very cute! I really must get out your fabric and play with it! They are just darling when used in small projects like this.

  2. Mimi says:

    This is just the sweetest little caddy I have seen! The fabric is so cuet and fun. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Susan says:

    Crayola Crayons are still, at nearly 60 y.o., my favorite thing ever. And I may just make myself one of those crayon holders!!!

  4. Sue says:

    Wow! These look so good. The colours and patterns work so well.

  5. those are absolutely perfect for occupying my little ones at the older siblings’ sporting events! plus they are so stylish. Thanks for sharing

  6. Sunni says:

    Where do you find paper to fit in it though? I just got the pattern, and all I can find around here are pads with lines on them. Not great for drawing.

    Love your fabric choices and combos!

    • kelle says:

      Thanks, Sunni! What size is the pattern you are using? You can always cut white paper to size. If you want it bound, an office supply store should be able to do that very inexpensively.

  7. Cindy says:

    Gorgeous – would love to make my own, do you where to get the pattern from?

  8. Cindy says:

    thanks heaps.

  9. Cindy says:

    thanks heaps

  10. Sharlene Perreira says:

    Do you sell the above, Crayon Portfolio pattern? If, so how much is it and is it a PDF pattern?